"Successful learners have developed not only the skills of learning, but also the dispositions to use the skills."  (p. 15)

There is a difference between students who learn in the 21st Century and students who are 21st Century learners, and there is a difference between SLMS's who teach in the 21st Century and SLMS's who are 21st Century teachers.  To be a 21st Century teacher means that we are first and foremost 21st Century learners ourselves.

What dispositions do we need as SLMS's in order to be 21st Century teachers/learners, and is there one disposition that is more important than others?  (According to the book, dispositions are "learning behaviors, attitudes, and habits of mind." p. 15)

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Some of the descriptors I've come across relative to 21st century learners follow: ethical, accountable, productive, a leader, adaptable, critical thinker, problem solver, socially responsible, personally responsible, good communicator, collaborator, contributor, self-directed, possess people skills, creative, globally aware, cross-culturally skilled, responds positively to change, innovative, flexible, and literate financially, economically, entrepreneurially, in business, in civics, and in personal health.
While it's impossible for one person to possess all of these skills and qualities, we librarians tend to have at least our toes wet in most of them. If I had to choose one thing from the list above that I think is more important than the rest as a librarian, I would choose "responds positively to change." The most content librarians and teachers (and the most up-to-date) are those who have responded well to the changes in our profession. The profession is vastly different than it was when I came into it 20 years ago, and although there have been moments of resistance in embracing some of the changes, I realized early on that change is going to happen whether I embrace it or not.


Digital Citizenship Topic Strands

"Digital Citizenship" ends up being a broad term used to discuss a variety of topics. Responses from the survey included the following. To suggest additional topics, please respond to the survey.


  • 21st Century Skills
  • Appropriate Technology Use
  • Citation
  • Classroom 2.0
  • Creative Credit and Copyright
  • Creating Adult-Student Dialog
  • Critical Thinking
  • Curricular Integration
  • Digital Certification
  • Digital Curriculum
  • Digitization of Academic Content
  • Educational Technology
  • ePortfolios
  • Grade-level Programs
  • Libraries and Their Role
  • Mico-credentialing / Badges
  • Online Collaboration
  • Online Engagement & Participation
  • Parental Involvement
  • Professional Development
  • Social Media in Teaching & Learning
  • Student-led Activities
  • Student Voice


  • Multiplayer Gaming



  • Global Citizenship
  • Global Collaboration
  • Global Connecting
  • Global Education
  • Global Learning
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Intercultural Understanding


  • Censorship
  • Civic Education
  • Digital Inclusion
  • Equitable Digital Access
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Government Accountability
  • Information Power Shifts
  • Informed Citizenry
  • Net Neutrality
  • Political Conversation
  • Regulation
  • Social and Political Movements
  • Threats to Democratic Principles


  • Digital Health and Wellness
  • Digital Life Balance
  • Social and Emotional Well-Being
  • Self-Image and Identity
  • Screen Time
  • Social Media Wellness


  • Algorithmic Influence
  • Critical Thinking
  • Data Shaping
  • Digital Creation
  • Digital Curation
  • Digital Literacy
  • Echo Chambers
  • Evaluation Skills
  • "Fake News"
  • Financial Incentives / Cui Bono
  • Information Literacy
  • Media Literacy
  • Media Creation
  • Metaliteracy
  • News Literacy
  • Participatory Digital Environments
  • Producing and Sharing Information
  • Purposeful Consumption and Feed Readers
  • Search Algorithms
  • Source Evaluation
  • Web Literacy


  • Blended Learning
  • Digital Badges & Certification
  • Instructional / Learning Design
  • Online Learning
  • Online Teaching


  • Appropriate Commenting
  • Digital Communication
  • Digital Etiquette / Netiquette / Respect
  • Digital Footprints
  • Digital Identity
  • Digital Reputation
  • Online Presence 
  • Online Reputation
  • Personal Image (Persona) and Identity Online
  • Professionalism
  • Respectful Behavior


  • Copyright
  • Creative Commons Licensing
  • Digital Image Use
  • Digital Law and Legal Compliance
  • Digital Privacy
  • Digital Responsibilities
  • Digital Rights
  • Fair Use
  • Permissions
  • Plagiarism
  • Privacy Settings
  • Privacy Tools
  • Respecting Intellectual Property


  • Blockchain
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital / Internet Safety and Security
  • Identity Theft
  • Managing Personal & Photographic Information
  • Password Management
  • Personal Accountability Online
  • Personal Data Storage and Security
  • Predators & Predatory Behavior
  • Protecting Private Information
  • Risk Management Online
  • Staying Safe Online


  • Search Literacy and Skills
  • Search Result Shaping
  • Search Tools


  • Digital Access
  • Digital Communication
  • Digital Divide


  • Balancing Online and Face-to-Face
  • Social Media Behavior
  • Social Media Safety
  • Social Media Skills


  • Accessibility
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Digital Commerce
  • Digital Life
  • Digital Nomads
  • Open Access
  • Seniors and Technology Use
  • Social Media Use
  • Virtual Reality

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